Key to Coherence
The Key to Coherence is a tool that is capable of taking information from the informational field, also referred to as “the universe or cosmos,” and transferring the flow of that informational energy between subjects and objects, subjects and subjects and objects and objects.
What is Coherence?
Coherence is the flow of energy through information between the intention (what), the purpose (what for) and the significance (why) of our actions.
In other words the flow that brings what you think, what you say, and what you do in line with harmony so you get the most nutritional value out of the food you eat, the thoughts you have and the life you live.
Your essence is energy and the energy humans use the most is propelled by love, starting with loving yourself and then loving your life and the people that you share your life with.
You can energise everything around you, such as elements of the environment you live in including, people, animals, plants, water, meals etc. So that, you can protect yourself from the influence of harmful electromagnetic radiation that comes from people, electrical appliances, WIFI, computer, mobile phones, etc.
Key to Coherence
The Key to Coherence is a card that is capable of taking information from the informational field, also referred to as “the universe or cosmos,” and capable of collapsing electromagnetic waves to form vortices. To do so, the key has four pyramids in the shape of antennas. These pyramids represent the four basic components of a coherent system.
When you carry the Key of Coherence on you, it is creating a quantum field of energy around you that not only protects you from harmful energies but also assists the body to restore and maintain health by using the power of resonance.
Create quantum fields
The Key can be used to create quantum fields of energy in your home, car, mobile phones and laptops to protect you and your family from the lower vibrational frequencies around us that may be impacting our physical mental health.
Protection from EMF
The Key can be used as protection for ourselves and our family from EMF radiation, especially now as the 5G network is already being rolled out in the whole world. (The amount of EMF radiation is expected to increase masively)
Food Tolerance
The Key can help restore food as close as to its natural state as possible for enhanced nutrition and absorption. (some people have noticed reduction in food allergies and intolerances with the use of the card on the food)
More Benefits of Using
The Key To Coherence
Improve Immune Health
Learn about the dangerous differences in types of water and other ways to ensure our brains are bodies are well hydrated.
Reduces Pain
Learn about the dangerous differences in types of water and other ways to ensure our brains are bodies are well hydrated.
Improve Sleep
Learn about the dangerous differences in types of water and other ways to ensure our brains are bodies are well hydrated.
Reduces Anxiety & Stress
Learn about the dangerous differences in types of water and other ways to ensure our brains are bodies are well hydrated.
Coherence + Congruence = Harmony
You can use the Key to create a protective field on many things such as:
Electronic Device
Computer, Laptop, kids ipad, our mobile phones, smart TVs, smart meter, metre boxes, card, house and land.
Set it up in your main water inlet so all the water flows with this energy, neutralizing the toxicity of the chemicals in water supply.
Set it up in front of your meal, beverage or dessert. It works even on your medication, vimamins or supplements.
Water Source
You Can Use The Key For:
Use the card to open up your connection to your higher self and connect into your super consciousness.
You can use the key to massage the body to fill it with more healing energy, sending healing into painful areas of the body.
Use the key to set an intention or manifestation and to remove or clear any kind of energy block of emotions and/or physical origin.
For Healing
Energy Block
Focus Where You Want To Send Your Energy to
All you need to do is place the Key to Coherence in front of the person or time you wish to send energy to. The length of time is variable depending upon the person you use it with. The length of time is between seconds to minutes. Your intention propels the energy to flow from the informational field (the space around you) to the person or object you wish to energise via resonance.
Place The Key To Coherence In Front Of The Object
To energise water for example, place the Key to Coherence in front of the glass of water or bottle for a few seconds. The side of the Key showing the 4 pyramids needs to face you and the side of Key with the hearts needs to face the water. Place the Key to Coherence above and below the water for a few seconds. This same technique is used for people, animals, food or any other object.
Congruency side
The side of the key with the hearts on it (Congruency) is the side that faces your body.
It is this side that is waved over food and water to energize it, and also to create an energy field on electronic device.
Coherence side
When setting intention, the Coherence side is used ( the one with the 4 pyramids in the corners). Coherence is the flow of energy through information between the intention (what), the purpose ( What for), and the significance ( Why) of our actions; the flow that brins what you think, what you say and what you do in line with harmony.
How to use the Key to Coherence?
About Dr. Carlos Oroczo
Dr Carlos is a renowned Biomedical and Clinical Researcher, is travelling the world to share and present a culmination of 17 years of work with his Integration of Energy Seminars to reveal the Key to Coherence!
Dr. Carlos Orozco practices Natural and Energy Medicine, specializing in cancer support, sleeping, nutrition, quantum healing, and fertility. He holds a Doctorate (PhD) in Biochemistry and Reproductive Immunology from the School of Biomedical Sciences at Griffith University in Brisbane Australia. He has been trained in Nutrition, Medicine, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Biophysics, Experimental Biology, Biochemistry, and Immunology.
The Science Of Love:
Thoughts become ours when we pay attention to them and thus focus on them, followed by setting intentions with purpose and significance that allow for their integration through congruency in our life.
When coherence induces congruency, everything flows freely in our lives without forcing anything. The flow is the course that energy follows of through the path of least resistance, this allows for efficiency and sustainability in our life, investing the minimum amount of energy to get the maximum benefit and best outcome. All this is possible because of the power of setting and intention based on love, the most powerful energy that is the answer to all our needs.